Objective To study the preventive measure of the subambient temperature burn by analysing the pathogenesis feature. Methods The cl inical data were analysed from 351 cases of subambient temperature burn between February 2004 and February 2009, including age, sex, burn season, burn factors, burn position, burn area, burn degree, treatment way, and wound heal ing. Results Subambient temperature burn occurred in every age stage. The susceptible age stages included infant, children, and the elderly. Female patients were more than male patients. The common burn reasons were
hot-water bottle burn, honey warm keeper burn, and heating device burn. The peak season was winter. Lower l imb was the most common site of the subambient temperature burn. The deep II degree to III degree were the most common level, and the burn area was always small, often 1% of total body surface area. Most of patients were treated with changing dressings at cl inic and few patients needed hospital ization. Though the surface of wound could heal finally, and the wound healed well with no obvious scar in patients who received operation. Conclusion Subambient temperature burn is the frequently encountered disease in winter. Use of the warming articles should be cautious, at the same time safety awareness should be strengthened so as to decrease the incidence rate of subambient temperature burn and the injury degree.
Citation: SHI Jie,QI Weiwei,XU Qinglian,ZHOU Shunying,WANG Guobao. ETIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF SUBAMBIENT TEMPERATURE BURN IN 351 CASES OF HEFEI AREA. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2010, 24(6): 665-667. doi: Copy
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