• the First Hospital of Liangshan District, Xichang, Sichuan 615000,P.R.China;
WANG Renli, Email: 604919127@qq.com
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【摘要】 目的  调查凉山地区青少年四种常见变应性疾病——湿疹、荨麻疹、变应性鼻炎(allergic rhinitis,AR)、支气管哮喘(bronchial asthma,BA)的发病情况,及农村与城区患病差异。 方法  采用分层整群抽样方式确定调查点。受调查者填写调查问卷,接受皮肤科、耳鼻喉科、内科专科医师检查。 结果  湿疹调查8 113人,发现患者810例,患病率10.0%,标准化患病率9.3%;男性患病率8.1%,女性患病率11.2%(P lt;0.01);城区与农村患病率均为10.0%。荨麻疹调查8 113人,发现患者513例,患病率6.3%,标准化患病率6.5%;男性患病率4.6%,女性患病率7.5%(P lt;0.01);农村患病率6.9%,城区患病率4.9% (P lt;0.01)。AR调查7 977人,发现患者741人,患病率9.3%,标准化患病率9.1%;男性患病率9.4%,女性患病率9.2%(P gt;0.05);农村患病率9.0%,城区10.1%(P gt;0.05)。BA调查7 741人,发现患者296例,患病率3.8%,标准化患病率4.0%;男性患病率3.2%, 女性患病率4.2%(P lt;0.05);农村患病率4.1%,城区患病率2.9%(P lt;0.05)。 结论  通过调查获得了凉山地区青少年四种变应疾病患病数据。发现女性湿疹、荨麻疹、BA患病率均高于男性,AR患病率相近。农村湿疹、荨麻疹、支气管哮喘患病率均高于城区,AR患病率相近。
【Abstract】 Objective  To obtain the prevalence rate of four common allergic diseases, including eczema, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, and bronchial asthma, in adolescent of Lianshan district; and to explore the differences of these allergic diseases prevalence rate between rural area and urban area. Methods  A survey was conducted in adolescent. The cluster sampling was used. The subjects were required to fulfill the self-report questionnaires and also received physical examinations by doctors. Results  A total of 8 113 individuals were included in eczema studis, in whom eczema were present in 810 with a morbidity of eczema of 10.0% (9.3% after standardized). The prevalence rate of eczema in males and females were 8.1% and 11.2%, respectively (P lt;0.01). The prevalence rate of eczema in urban area was the same as that in rural area (10.0%). A total of 8 113 people were included in the urticaria study, in whom urticaria were found in 513. The prevalence rate was 6.3% (6.5% after standardized). The prevalence rate of urticaria in males and females were 4.5% and 7.6%, respectively (P lt;0.01), and were 6.9% and 4.9% respectively in rural area and urban area (P lt;0.01). A total of 7 977 people were included in AR studis. AR was present in 741 people, and the prevalence rate of AR was 9.3% (9.1% after standardized). The prevalence rate of AR in males and females were 9.4% and 9.2% respectively (P gt;0.05), and were 10.1% and 9.0% respectively in urban area and rural area (P gt;0.05). A total of 7 741 people were included in BA study, and BA were present in 296 people. The prevalence rate of BA were 3.8% (4.0% after standardized). The prevalence rate in males and females were 3.2% and 4.2% respectively (P lt;0.05), and were 2.9% and 4.1% respectively in urban area and rural area (P lt;0.05). Conclusion  The prevalence rate of these commom allergic diseases in adolescent of Liangshan district was obtained. The females have a higher prevalence rate of eczema, urticaria and BA than that in the males; the prevalence rate of AR in males is similar to which in the females. A higher prevalence rate of eczema, urticaria and BA is found in rural area than that in urban area; the prevalence rate of AR in urban area is similar to which in rural area.

Citation: ZHANG Xuehua,SHI Zhu,CAO Lisheng,WANG Renli. Epidemiology Study of Allergic Diseases in Liangshan District. West China Medical Journal, 2010, 25(11): 2018-2021. doi: Copy

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