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find Author "吉冰洋" 15 results
  • 中深度低温选择性脑灌注在DeBakey-I型夹层动脉瘤术中的应用

    目的为了减少DeBakey-Ⅰ型夹层动脉瘤患者术后神经系统及其他系统并发症, 探讨其灌注方法. 方法 20例 DeBakey-Ⅰ型动脉瘤患者均采用中深度低温停循环选择性脑灌注和下半身灌注技术行象鼻手术. 结果全组患者无死亡,1例由于病变压迫髂总动脉而致术后发生第4胸椎以下软瘫,1例术后发生急性肾功能衰竭,其余患者无任何术后并发症,痊愈出院. 结论中深度低温停循环选择性脑灌注和下半身灌注技术可以延长大脑和脊髓的安全保护时限,减少术后并发症,并有效地配合完成手术,提高手术疗效.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:30 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 体外循环中乌司他丁对机体的保护作用

    乌司他丁(尿胰蛋白酶抑制剂)是由143个氨基酸组成,分子量为66 464u的酸性蛋白质,其冻干品为白色或淡褐色块状物或粉末;是从健康男性尿中分离纯化的糖蛋白,它有多种特殊的药理性质,为一种广谱酶抑制剂,对多种酶、糖和脂水解酶有抑制作用.在体外循环过程中由于机体处于一种非生理状态下,同时伴有缺血、缺氧和各种酶、炎性介质、自由基的大量释放,导致机体心脏、肺、肾等重要器官和血管内皮损伤.乌司他丁作为一种蛋白酶抑制剂能较为有效的竞争性或非竞争性抑制由体外循环非生理作用引发的一系列酶以及炎性介质的释放,同时起到保护机体重要器官的作用.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:31 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Research progress on deep hypothermic circulatory arrest in rat model

    Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) technology is the basic means of organ protection in complex aortic arch surgeries, congenital heart disease surgeries, pulmonary endarterectomy and other operations. The establishment of DHCA in rat model is helpful to explore the influence of DHCA and its pathophysiological pathways. However, there are some problems in this process, such as imperfect monitoring, inaccurate management and non-standard heparinization during the experimental period. It is necessary to review relevant literatures on DHCA rat model, in order to establish a DHCA rat model with standardized operation, clear standards and mature technology.

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  • Evaluation of Shunting Flow Differences in Varied Conditions in a Simulated Adult Cardiopulmonary Bypass Model

    Abstract: Objective To evaluate different shunting flow in varied conditions in a simulated adult cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) model under normothermia. Methods We established the pseudo adult patient undergoing CPB at four different shunting states with devices of heartlung machine, heatcooler, an adult membrane oxygenator and arterial filter. In state 1, purge line of the arterial filter was open alone; In state 2, purge line combined with 6.5 mm tubing hemoconcentrator shunting was open; In state 3, purge line combined with 5 mm tubing hemoconcentrator was open; In state 4, purge line combined with blood cardioplegia shunting was open. The flow of preoxygenator and postfilter was recorded with ultrasonic flowmeter, and the pressure of purge line and postarterial filter was also detected. Results At state 1, when the pump flow was invariable, the percentage of the shunting flow increased with the increase of postfilter pressure. However, when the postfilter pressure was constant, the percentage of the shunting flow decreased with the increase of the pump flow. The purge line pressure increased with the increase of the postfilter pressure at a constant pump flow under state 1. The shunting flow of state 2 was the largest among all the four states. The shunting flow of state 3 was similar to that of state 4. All the purge line pressure was lower than the postfiler pressure of the circuit in the four states. Conclusion Under states of different shunting opening, different degrees of blood flow are diverted away from the arterial line. The shunting flow increases at a lower pump flow and a higher postfilter pressure. A flow probe located in the postfilter line may be necessary to monitor realtime arterial flow.

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  • DeBakeyⅢ型主动脉夹层外科治疗的体外循环管理

    目的 探讨DeBakeyⅢ型主动脉夹层外科治疗的体外循环管理方法,以减少术后并发症的发生。方法 22例急、慢性DeBakeyⅢ型主动脉夹层患者行外科治疗,其中6例应用常温股(髂)动脉-股静脉转流方法行动脉瘤切除和人工血管置换,11例采用深低温停循环下行部分胸主动脉、全部胸主动脉或胸腹主动脉人工血管置换,5例采用血泵法全血回收+股动脉输入技术行人工血管置换。结果 常温股动脉0股静脉转流患者体外循环转流时间30.8±6.1min,库血用量560±120ml;深低温停循环患者最低鼻咽温15~18℃,体外循环时间168.5±47.3min,库血用量1028±350ml;血液回收+股动脉输入患者无1例输入库血。全组患者气管内插管时间17.4±4.8h,ICU停留时间2.9±1.8d;住院期间无死亡,无重要器官并发症发生。结论 针对DeBakeyⅢ型主动脉夹层的外科治疗,合理采用不同的体外循环管理方法,可有效地减少术后的病死率和并发症发生率。

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:26 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 深低温下肺动脉取栓术的体外循环管理

    目的 总结在深低温下行肺动脉取栓术体外循环管理的经验。方法 7例急性肺栓塞患者均在深低温低流量和深低温停循环下行肺动脉取栓术,并通过间断恢复血流,延迟复温,药物处理等技术,保护患者的心、脑、肺、肾等功能。结果 1例由于体外循环时间较长(335分钟),且心功能较差,静脉血氧饱和度不能有效的维持,脱机困难,使用了体外膜肺支持,最终因多器官功能衰竭而死亡。1例因肺水肿施行二次肺动脉环缩术后,肺水肿明显改善;其他患者术后恢复顺利。结论 在深低温体外循环下行肺动脉取栓术是安全有效的方法。

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:33 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 急症体外循环

    目的回顾最近2年急诊体外循环病例,分析其特点并总结经验. 方法收集1998~1999年间共97例急诊体外循环心血管手术临床资料,其中动脉瘤20例,冠状动脉旁路移植术15例,粘液瘤17例,心瓣膜置换术16例,先天性心脏病急性缺氧发作18例,大血管破裂出血6例,心室辅助3例,主动脉窦瘤破裂2例,涉及多种体外循环方法的应用. 结果早期主要并发症为低心排血量、出血、短时间的神经系统功能障碍,共20例,占20.6%;死亡8例,占8.2%;其余患者顺利出院,目前正接受长期随访. 结论 急诊体外循环在心血管急诊手术中非常重要,快速建立体外循环,针对不同病情采取相应措施是手术成功和减少并发症的关键。

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Research advances on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in rat model

    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a critical life support technique for patients with severe cardiopulmonary failure. Establishing a stable ECMO animal model is essential to further investigate the effects of ECMO on the body and provide assistance for optimizing ECMO management strategies and preventing complications in clinical practice. In recent years, rats have been widely used to establish ECMO models due to their low cost and good reproducibility. Therefore, this article provided a comprehensive review of literature on the ECMO rat model, including equipment and experimental management strategies. It offers a theoretical foundation for the development of a stable and mature ECMO rat model in the future.

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  • Guidelines on patient blood management for adult cardiovascular surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass

    Working Group on Extracorporeal Life Support, National Center for Cardiovascular Quality Improvement developed guidelines on patient blood management for adult cardiovascular surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass, aiming to standardize patient blood management in adult cardiovascular surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass, reduce blood resource consumption, and improve patients outcomes. Forty-eight domestic experts participated in the development of the guidelines. Based on prior investigation and the PICO (patient, intervention, control, outcome) principles, thirteen clinical questions from four aspects were selected, including priming and fluid management during cardiopulmonary bypass, anticoagulation and monitoring during cardiopulmonary bypass, peri-cardiopulmonary bypass blood product infusion, and autologous blood infusion. Systemic reviews to the thirteen questions were performed through literature search. Recommendations were drafted using the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) system. After five rounds of experts discussions between 2023 and 2024, 19 recommendations were finally formed.

    Release date:2024-11-27 02:45 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Expression of MicroRNA-1, 21 in Ischemic Preconditioning, Ischemic Postconditioning and Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in an Isolated Rat Heart Model

    Abstract: Objective To observe the expression changes of microRNA 1 (miRNA-1) and microRNA 21(miRNA-21) after ischemic preconditioning (IPC), ischemic postconditioning (IPO) and remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC)in an ischemia-reperfusion rat heart model in vitro, as well as the expression of their target protein heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4), and evaluate whether miRNA are involved in endogenous cardio-protective mechanism. Methods The Langendorff-perfused Sprague-Dawley rat hearts were randomly assigned into one of the four groups, control group (CON group, n=12), ischemia preconditioning group (IPC group, n=12) , ischemia postconditioning group (IPO group, n=12) and remote ischemia preconditioning group (RIPC group,n=12). Cardiac function was digitalized and analyzed. The expression of HSP70, PDCD4, B-cell lymphoma/leukemia-2 (Bcl-2) and Bax was detected by Western blotting. The expression of miRNA-1 and miRNA-21 was detected by real-time reverse transcriotion-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Assessment of cardiac infarct size and myocardial apoptosis was determined using triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) assay and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling assay (TUNEL) assay respectively. Results The expressions of miRNA-1 and miRNA-21 were up-regulated in IPC group, but the expression of miRNA-1 was down-regulated in RIPC group and IPO group (P<0.05). The expressionsof PDCD4, HSP70 and Bax were down-regulated in ‘conditioning’ groups compared with CON group (P<0.05). The expression of Bcl-2 was not statistically different among the four groups. The infarct size and the myocardial apoptosis in ‘conditioning’ hearts were significantly decreased compared with CON group (P<0.05). Conclusion The expressions of the miRNA-1 and miRNA-21 are different in IPC, RIPC and IPO groups, and their target proteins are not inversely correlated with the miRNAs in all the ‘conditioning’ groups.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:50 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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