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find Keyword "基因型" 29 results
  • Study of Relationship Between Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Objective To explore the relationship between the HBsAg positive patients suffering from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and HBV DNA genotype. Methods By using PCR type-specific primers combined with sequencing of genotype, we analyzed the genotype of HBV DNA in the serum of 500 patients with positive HBsAg in our hospital. Among them, 150 cases suffered from HCC. Results Genotype B and C were both predominant genotypes in HBsAg positive patients. But in HCC group, the rate of genotype C was 65.33% (98/150), which was significantly higher than that in non-HCC group (88/350, 25.14%), while genotype B, in contrast, was 28.67% (43/150) and 68.86% (241/350), χ2=75.45, Plt;0.05. The distribution of HBV DNA genotype B or genotype C in different gender or different age groups were not statistically significantly different in cases of HCC (Pgt;0.05). Conclusion Genotype C of HBV DNA is more common in patients with HCC, and maybe there is relationship between genotype C and the occurrence of HCC.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:49 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Genetic Polymorphism of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Hospital Acquired Pneumonia

    Objective To investigate the genetic polymorphism of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA) isolated from hospital acquired pneumonia. Methods Seventy-four hospitalized patients were diagnosed as noscomial MRSA pneumonia from January 2007 to January 2008 in Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong Univesity. The genes of MRSA were amplified by random amplified polymorphic DNA typing ( RAPD) assay in 82 clinical isolates from these patients. Results Two to 15 amplified DNA fragments were observed in agarose gel and they were classified into 11 genotypes. Genotypes Ⅲ, Ⅵ and Ⅶ ( 32. 56% , 30. 23% and 13. 95% , respectively) were mainly isolated from the ICU. Both independent genotypes and overlapping genotpyes with those from ICU were identified in isolates from the departments of geriatrics, emergency and respiratory medicine. Outbreak or cluster cases ( 48. 65% ) were found in 36 of the 74 patients while all outbreak cases occurred in the ICU. Conclusions Noscomial MRSA pneumonia is easy to disseminate and small-scale outbreak may occur especially in ICU. RAPD is valuable for identification and prevention of the spread of MRSA in hospital.

    Release date:2016-09-14 11:24 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the 5′-Upstream Sequence of Chemokine Like Factor and their Associationwith Asthma

    Objective To detect the single nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNPs) in the upstream promoter region of chemokine like factor ( CKLF) gene and analyze their possible associations with asthma and asthma-related phenotypes. Methods Direct Sequence of the 1553bp upstream promoter region of CKLF gene was performed in 245 Chinese Han human genomic DNAs ( 119 asthmatics and 126 controls) .The frequencies of alleles, genotypes, and haplotypes were determined and the association of these SNPs with asthma were further analyzed. Results Four novel SNPs, SNP88 ( T gt; C) , SNP196 ( T gt; C) , SNP568 ( C gt;G) , and SNP1047 ( C gt; G) were found in the promoter region of CKLF. The frequency of rare allele was 0. 168 ( SNP88C) , 0. 168 ( SNP196C) , 0. 352 ( SNP568G) and 0. 167 ( SNP1047G) , respectively.Haplotypes, their frequencies and the linkage disequilibrium coefficients between SNPs were constructed.Complete linkage disequilibrium( LDs) were observed between SNP88 and SNP196, SNP88 and SNP1047,as well as SNP196 and SNP1047, respectively ( D′=1. 000, r2 = 1. 000) . SNP568 was in partial LD with the other three SNPs ( r2 = 0. 366) . No association between asthma and the SNPs was observed. Conclusions Four SNPs in the regulatory region of CKLF in Chinese Han population were firstly identified. Although no significant correlation with asthma was revealed, the SNP and haplotype information is useful for other disease association studies in the future.

    Release date:2016-09-14 11:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Associations Between mt5351G and mt6680C Genotypes inmtDNA Haplogroup M and Susceptibility to High Altitude Pulmonary Edema among the Hans

    【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the correlations between the mt5351G and mt6680C genotypes in mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA) haplogroup M and susceptibility to high altitude pulmonary edema ( HAPE)among the Hans. Methods Specimens from206 Hans cases of HAPE and 144 matched Hans controls were collected. Then PCR-RFLP method was used to determine haplogroup M and N of mtDNA, and PCR-LDR was used to genotype mt5351G and mt6680C in the haplogroup M in these samples. Results The frequencies of haplogroup Mand N were 49. 0% and 51.0% in the HAPE patients, and 47. 2% and 52. 8% in the controls, respectively, with no significant difference between the HAPE patients and the controls. In the haplogroup M, the genotype of mt6680C and mt5351G frequencies in the HAPE patients were both significantly higher than the controls ( both 12. 0% vs. 1. 5% , P = 0. 016) . Conclusion The existence of mt5351G and mt6680C genotypes in the haplogroup Mis a risk factor for HAPE among the Hans.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:55 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Genotypes of Aminoglycosides Modifying Enzymes in Imipenem-Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

    Objective To describe and compare the distributions of aminoglycosides modifying enzymes ( AMEs) in imipenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( IRPA) collected from5 cities in China. Methods A total of 146 strains of IRPA were collected from 5 cities of China ( Chengdu, Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou) . The polymerase chain reaction ( PCR) were used to amplify the genes of AMEs in IRPA. Results Six positive genotypes were amplified out of 16 genotypes of AMEs by PCR. The total positive rate of AMEs is 65. 06% . The positive rates of genes of aac( 3) -Ⅱ, aac( 6′) -Ⅰ, aac( 6′) -Ⅱ, ant( 2″) -Ⅰ, ant ( 3″) -Ⅰ and aph( 3′) -Ⅵ were 33. 6% , 15. 8% , 19. 9% , 28. 8% , 14. 4%, and 4. 8% , respectively. The genotypes of AMEs were discrepant in different areas as 6 genotypes in Huangzhou and Shanghai, 4 genotypes in Chengdu and Beijing, and 3 genotypes in Guangzhou. Conclusion The results show that the positive rate of AMEs genes is high in IRPA, and the distribution is discrepant among different areas.

    Release date:2016-09-13 04:07 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    OBJECTIVE: Porcine stress syndrome (PSS) is one kind of molecular genetics defect diseases of pig which will cause malignant hyperthermia syndrome (MHS) and is the first index should be excluded in screening of a pig species for xenotransplantation. It was reported that mutation of pig rynodine receptor(RYR1) gene is the main reason for PSS. In this study, RYR1 genotypes of the Chinese Banna mini pig inbred line and inbreeding closed colony Wuzhishan pig were investigated with polymerase chain reaction-restriction endonuclease fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique. METHODS: Antevenocaval whole blood samples were collected from 50 Banna mini-pig inbred-line(BMI), 15 inbreeding Wuzhishan pig (WZSP) and 25 Neijiang pigs (NJP) as negative control, the primer were designed and synthesized, PCR reaction was conducted following the sequence of 94 degrees C (1 min), 58 degrees C (1 min) and 72 degrees C (1 min) for 30 cycles. The PCR products were digested with restriction endonuclease HhaI and then electrophoresis check. RESULTS: A 659 bp DNA fragment was amplified with these two primers, the HALNN sample fragment was cut into fragments as 493 bp and 166 bp individually after the digestion, indicates no point mutation at site 1,843 in RYR1 gene in all tested BMI pig and WZSP. Namely, the RYR1 genotype of 50 cases of BMI and 15 cases of WZSP were HALNN, therefore their phenotype is PSS negative. CONCLUSION: It indicates that the genotype of Banna mini pig inbred line and inbreeding Wuzhishan pig are HALNN therefore PSS absolutely negative, the group penetrance is 0. This is consistent with experimental observation. It suggests that Banna mini pig inbred line and inbreeding Wuzhishan pig may be the alternative donor for xenotransplantation.

    Release date:2016-09-01 10:27 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 慢性丙型肝炎抗病毒治疗个体化疗程选择


    Release date:2016-09-08 09:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Genetic Polymorphism of 13 Short Tandem Repeat Loci in Sichuan Population

    【摘要】 目的 对四川人群的13个短串联重复(short tandem repeat,STR)基因座进行遗传多态性调查。方法 310份血样采自四川地区无血缘关系个体。Chelex法提取DNA,PCR复合扩增,自动基因分析仪电泳收集电泳结果数据,基因分型软件进行样本基因型分型。结果 13个STR基因座的基因型分布符合HardyWeinberg平衡。累计非父排除率和累计个人识别率为0.999 991 728和gt;0.999 999 999。结论 上述13个STR基因座的累计非父排除率和累计个人识别率较高,适合作为四川人群的遗传标记,用于法医学亲权鉴定和个体识别等领域的研究。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:37 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Significance of CYP3A5 in Individualized Immunosuppressive Treatment with Tacrolimus after Liver Transplantation

    Objective To summarize the significance of CYP3A5 in individualized immunosuppressive treatment with tacrolimus (FK506) after liver transplantation. Methods Relevant literatures about the effect of CYP3A5 polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in liver transplant recipients, which were published recently domestic and abroad, were reviewed and analyzed. Results Tacrolimus was used effectively to prevent allograft rejection after liver transplantation. Narrow therapeutic range and individual variation in pharmacokinetics made it difficultly to establish a fixed dosage for all patients. Genetic polymorphism in drug metabolizing enzymes and in transporters influenced the plasma concentration of tacrolimus. CYP3A5 genotype had an effect on the tacrolimus dose requirement in liver transplant recipients.Conclusion Genotyping for CYP3A5 may help optimal individualization of immunosuppressive drug therapy for patients undergoing liver transplantation

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Genotype Distribution of Haemophilus Parainfluenzae from Patients with Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Their Effects on A549 Cells

    Objective To observe the genotype distribution of Haemophilus parainfluenzae from patients with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( AECOPD) and their effects on A549 cells. Methods 80 hospitalized patients with AECOPD in our hospital were enrolled. Haemophilus parainfluezae were collected by sputum culture and genotyped, then inoculated with cell line A549. IL-6 and IL-8 concentrations in the supernatant were detected and cell morphology was observed at different time points. Results The patients were divided into three groups according to their symptoms. 15 Haemophilus parainfuenzae strains were collected and the positive culture rate between type 1 and type 3 COPD patients were statistically different. The concentrations of IL-6 and IL-8 were both significantly higher than control and increased as time passed. 4 genotypes were got by random amplification of polymorphic DNA ( RAPD) . In RAPD Ⅲ group, the IL-8 concentration was higher at 12h and 24h than others. No morphologic change was found in the cells inoculated with Haemophilus parainfuenzae by microscope after fixing. Conclusions Positive culture rate of Haemophilus parainfuenzae was different in different COPD groups according to symptoms. Haemophilus parainfuenzae can stimulate a cytokine response in A549 cells, maybe one of the pathogens of AECOPD, especially the RAPDⅢ type. Haemophilus parainfuenzae is not an intracellular bacteria.

    Release date:2016-09-13 03:53 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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