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find Keyword "解剖学" 51 results

    ObjectiveTo determine the entry point and screw implant technique in posterior pedicle screw fixation by anatomical measurement of adult dry samples of the axis so as to provide a accurate anatomic foundation for clinical application. MethodsA total of 60 dry adult axis specimens were selected for pedicle screws fixation. The entry point was 1-2 mm lateral to the crossing point of two lines: a vertical line through the midpoint of distance from the junction of pedicle medial and lateral border to lateral mass, and a horizontal line through the junction between the lateral border of inferior articular process and the posterior branch of transverse process. The pedicle screw was inserted at the entry point. The measurement of the anatomic parameters included the height and width of pedicle, the maximum length of the screw path, the minimum distance from screw path to spinal canal and transverse foramen, and the angle of pedicle screw. The data above were provided to determine the surgical feasibility and screw safety. ResultsThe width of upper, middle, and lower parts of the pedicle was (7.35±0.89), (5.50±1.48), and (3.97±1.01) mm respectively. The pedicle height was (9.94±1.16) mm and maximum length of the screw path was (25.91±1.15) mm. The angle between pedicle screw and coronal plane was (26.95±1.88)° and the angle between pedicle screw and transverse plane was (22.81±1.61)°. The minimum distance from screw path to spinal canal and transverse foramen was (2.72±0.83) mm and (1.98±0.26) mm respectively. ConclusionAccording to the anatomic research, a safe entry point for C2 pedicle screw fixation is determined according to the midpoint of distance from the junction of pedicle medial and lateral border to lateral mass, as well as the junction between the lateral border of inferior articular process and the posterior branch of transverse process, which is confirmed to be effectively and safely performed using the entry point and screw angle of the present study.

    Release date:2016-08-25 10:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Angiological Studies and the Progress of Hepatobiliary Surgery

    凡是涉及一个脏器基本结构的研究,不论是大体的、显微镜的、分子的、基因水平或功能状态的研究,都属于临床外科中的基础研究范畴。解剖学研究虽然是外科临床基础研究中最古老的项目,但是随着新科技和临床外科学的发展,又从未间断地添加新的研究内容。例如当前的可视化人体的研究便是个突出的例子。肝、胆管血循环的研究在当代的胆道外科学和移植外科学中占有重要的位置, 而上世纪50年代初期的肝内管道解剖学研究,奠定了现代肝脏外科的基础。

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:49 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The CT Features of Gastric Bare Area under Pathological Conditions

    ObjectiveTo investigate the CT presenting rate and features of gastric bare area (GBA, including the area posterior to GBA and the adipose tissue in the gastrophrenic ligament) without pathologic changes.MethodsThirty cases with superior peritoneal ascites, but without pathological involvement of GBA were included into the study to show the normal condition of GBA, including the presenting rate and CT features. We selected some cases with GBA invasion by inflammation or neoplasm to observe their CT features. ResultsAll cases with superior peritoneal ascites showed the GBA against the contrast of ascites with the presenting rate of 100%. The GBA appeared at the level of gastricesophageal conjunction and completely disappeared at the level of hepatoduodenal ligament and Winslow’s foramen. The maximum scope of GBA presented at the level of the sagital part of the left portal vein with mean right to left distance of (4.39±0.08)cm (3.8~5.7 cm) (distance between the left and right layer of the gastrophrenic ligament). In acute pancreatitis, the width of GBA increased, in which local hypodensity area could be seen. In gastric leiomyosarcoma invading GBA, the mass could not separate from the crus of the diaphragm. In lymphoma and metastasis invading GBA, the thickness of GBA increased and the density was heterogeneous, in which lymph nodes presenting as small nodes or fused mass. ConclusionThe results of this study show that it is helpful to use contrast enhanced spiral CT scanning to observe the change of GBA and to diagnose retroperitoneal abnormalities that involving GBA comprehensively and accurately.

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:49 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Piggyback allogeneic orthotopic liver transplantation was performed successfully in a patient with primary biliary cirrhosis on July 26,1996. Topographic study of hepatic veins and short hepatic veins were made in 17 adult cadavers. The majority of short hepatic veins were found in the middle and lower portion of inferior vena cava (IVC) behind liver, but two of 17 cases had a big accessory middle hepatic vein and the right hepatic vein (1 case) divided four branchs into IVC in the area. The lengths of the main trunk of left, middle and right hepatic vein were 22.8±8.80 mm, 50.98±23.94 mm and 22.80±9.50 mm and the diameters were 10.74±2.86 mm, 9.50±3.75 mm and 15.60±4.05 mm respectively. The right hepatic vein in all cases, except one drained into IVC as one vessel. The middle and left hepatic vein drained into IVC in different forms: ①joining as one vessel longer than 1cm before entering IVC (23.5%);②joining right before entering IVC (70.6%); ③draining into IVC separately (5.9%). The distance between right and middle hepatic vein was 7-23 mm. Topography of hepatic veinous flow related with the technique of piggyback operation and removing of diseased liver is discussed.

    Release date:2016-08-29 03:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Anatomical venous distribution around the lower esophagus, gastric cardia and fundus in 100 adult cadavers had been observed. The results showed that the occurrence rate of the left gastric and the right gastric veins were 96% and 92% respectively. Venous distribution in the lesser curvature of the stomach can be classified into five types: the left gastric vein type, the right gastric vein type,the left gastric vein dominant type, the right gastric vein dominant type, and the balance type (of the left and the right gastric veins). The retrogastric veins were found in 73.6% of 100 cadavers showed portacaval anastomoses. From March 1976 to March 1992, we had treated with transthoracic interruption of portoazygous circulation, 52 cases of portal hypertension resulting in bleeding du to rupture of esophageal and venriculi fundus varices ( male 43, female 9). Among the 41 emergency operations, 2 cases died (4.9%), and bleedings were controlled by emergency surgery in 92.6% of cases. 44 of the 50 cases (88%) were followed up. The recurrence of bleeding occured in 5 cases, with a long-term bleeding rate of 11.4%. The authors suggest that anatomical factors might be the reason of inadequacy of portaoazygous interruption, and claim the advantages of transthoracic interruption of portoazygous circulation.

    Release date:2016-08-29 03:44 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 三房心外科治疗十例

    目的 总结三房心的外科治疗经验,以提高手术疗效。 方法 1994年10月~2006年7月,对10例三房心患者行外科手术治疗,其中完全型9例,部分型1例;9例患者合并的其他心脏畸形,包括房间隔缺损、动脉导管未闭等均同期矫正。 结果 9例患者痊愈出院,死亡1例,为三房心+VSD+肺动脉高压患者,术中出现低心排血量综合征,经辅助循环275min后出现多器官功能衰竭死亡。随访9例患者,随访时间1.0~12.8年,1例完全型三房心患者术后2年时因原重建的副真房交通口狭窄至0.5cm,原补片垂直于交通口造成压迫,再次手术扩大交通口至3cm,重新进行心包补片修补,术后恢复满意。9例患者随访至今心功能均为Ⅰ级。 结论 外科手术治疗三房心疗效满意;把握三房心患者的病理解剖特点,有利于制定手术方案,防止或减轻术后低心排血量综合征的发生。

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To provide the anatomical basis of contralateral C7 root transfer for the recovery of the forearm flexor function. Methods Thirty sides of adult anti-corrosion specimens were used to measure the length from the end of nerves dominating forearm flexor to the anastomotic stoma of contralateral C7 nerve when contralateral C7 nerve transfer was used for repair of brachial plexus lower trunk and medial cord injuries. The muscle and nerve branches were observed. The length of C7 nerve, C7 anterior division, and C7 posterior division was measured. Results The length of C7 nerve, anterior division, and posterior division was (58.8 ± 4.2), (15.4 ± 6.7), and (8.8 ± 4.4) mm, respectively. The lengths from the anastomotic stoma to the points entering muscle were as follow: (369.4 ± 47.3) mm to palmaris longus, (390.5 ± 38.8) mm (median nerve dominate) and (413.6 ± 47.4) mm (anterior interosseous nerve dominate) to the flexor digitorum superficialis, (346.2 ± 22.3) mm (median nerve dominate) and (408.2 ± 23.9) mm (anterior interosseous nerve dominate) to the flexor digitorum profundus of the index and the middle fingers, (344.2 ± 27.2) mm to the flexor digitorum profundus of the little and the ring fingers, (392.5 ± 29.2) mm (median nerve dominate) and (420.5 ± 37.1) mm (anterior interosseous nerve dominate) to the flexor pollicis longus, and (548.7 ± 30.0) mm to the starting point of the deep branch of ulnar nerve. The branches of the anterior interosseous nerve reached to the flexor hallucis longus, the deep flexor of the index and the middle fingers and the pronator quadratus muscle, but its branches reached to the flexor digitorum superficials in 5 specimens (16.7%). The branches of the median nerve reached to the palmaris longus and the flexor digitorum superficial, but its branches reached to the deep flexor of the index and the middle fingers in 10 specimens (33.3%) and to flexor hallucis longus in 6 specimens (20.0%). Conclusion If sural nerve graft is used, the function of the forearm muscles will can not be restored; shortening of humerus and one nerve anastomosis are good for forearm flexor to recover function in clinical.

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    ObjectiveTo investigate the feasibility of the 3rd-6th intercostal nerve transfer to the suprascapular nerve for reconstruction of shoulder abduction. MethodsFifteen thoracic walls (30 sides) were collected from human cadavers. The 3rd-6th intercostal nerve length which can be dissected between the midaxillary line and midclavicular line, and the transfer distance between the midaxillary line and midpoint of the clavicular bone (prepared point for neurotization) were measured. ResultsIn 30 sides of specimens, the 3rd and 4th intercostal nerves could be obtained between the midaxillary line and midclavicular line, the available length of which was significantly greater than the transfer distance (P lt; 0.01). Six sides of the 5th intercostal nerve and 16 sides of 6th intercostal nerve were covered by the costal cartilage before reaching the midclavicular line. The available length of the 5th intercostal nerve was similar to the transfer distance (P gt; 0.01), while the available length of the 6th intercostal nerve was significantly less than transfer distance (P lt; 0.01). The suprascapular nerve could be dissociated and turned to the clavicular bone of more than 2 cm. The whole length of the available 5th intercostal nerve length and the turning length (2 cm) of suprascapular nerve was significantly greater than the transfer distance (P lt; 0.01), but for the 6th intercostal nerve, the whole length was still less than transfer distance (P lt; 0.01). ConclusionIt could be an alternative method to use the 3rd, 4th, and 5th intercostal nerve transfer to the suprascapular nerve for reconstruction of shoulder abduction. And for the 6th intercostal nerve, longer dissociated length may be required for direct coaptation or using a graft for nerve repair.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:39 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To provide anatomy evidence of the simple injury of the deep branch of the unlar nerve for cl inical diagnosis and treatments. Methods Fifteen fresh samples of voluntary intact amputated forearms with no deformity were observed anatomically, which were mutilated from the distal end of forearm. The midpoint of the forth palm fingerweb wasdefined as dot A , the midpoint of the hook of the hamate bone as dot B, the ulnar margin of the flexor digitorum superficial is of the l ittle finger as OD, and the superficial branch of the unlar nerve and the forth common finger digital nerve as OE, dot O was the vertex of the triangle, dot C was intersection point of a vertical l ine passing dot B toward OE; dot F was the intersection point of CB’s extension l ine and OD. OCF formed a triangle. OCF and the deep branch of the unlar nerve were observed. From May 2000 to June 2007, 3 cases were treated which were all simple injury of the deep branch of the unlar nerve by glass, diagnosed through anatomical observations. The wounds were all located in the hypothenar muscles, and passed through the distal end of the hamate bone. Muscle power controlled by the unlar nerve got lower. The double ends was sewed up in 2 cases directly intra operation, and the superficial branch of radial nerve grafted freely in the other 1 case. Results The distance between dot B and dot O was (19.20 ± 1.30) mm. The length of BC was (7.80 ± 1.35) mm. The morpha of OCF was various, and the route of profundus nervi ulnaris was various in OCF. OCF contains opponens canales mainly. The muscle branch of the hypothenar muscles all send out in front of the opponens canales. The wounds of these 3 cases were all located at the distal end of the hook of the hamate bone, intrinsic muscles controlled by the unlar nerve except hypothenar muscles were restricted without sensory disorder or any other injuries. Three cases were followed up for 2 months to 4 years. Postoperation, the symptoms disappeared, holding power got well, patients’ fingers were nimble. According to the trial standard of the function of the upper l imb peripheral nerve establ ished by Chinese Medieal Surgery of the Hand Association, the synthetical evaluations were excellent.Conclusion Simple injuries of the deep branch of the unlar nerve are all located in OCF; it is not easy to be diagnosed at the early time because of the l ittle wounds, the function of the hypothenar muscles in existence and the normal sense .

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To provide the anatomic evidences and the choice of tendon graft for anatomic reconstruction of posterolateral complex through the morphological and biomechanical study on posterolateral structures of the knee in normal adult cadavers. Methods Twenty-three fresh lower l imb specimens from voluntary donators and 9 lower l imbs soaked by Formal in were selected for anatomic study on the posterolateral complex of the knee. Six fresh specimens were appl ied to measure the maximum load, intensity of popl iteus tendon, lateral collateral l igament, and popl iteofibular l igament, which were key components of the posterolateral complex. Results Popl iteus musculotendinous junction was located at 7.02-11.52 mm beneath lateral tibial plateau and 8.22-13.94 mm medially to fibular styloid process. The distances from femoral insertion of popl iteus tendon to the lower border of femoral condyle and to posterior edge of femoral condyle were 10.52-14.38 mm and 14.24-26.18 mm, respectively. Popl iteofibular l igament originated from popl iteus musculotendinous junction and ended at fibular styloid process. Lateral collateral l igament was located at 10.54-16.48 mm inferior to fibular styloid process, and the distances from femoral insertion to the lower border of femoral condyle and to posterior edge of femoral condyle were 14.92-19.62 mm and 14.66-27.08 mm, respectively. The maximum load and intensity were 579.60-888.40 N and 20.50-43.70 MPa for popl iteus tendon, were 673.80-1 003.20 N and 24.30-56.40 MPa for lateral collateral l igament, and were 101.56-567.35 N and 8.94-36.16 MPa for popl iteofibular l igament, respectively. Conclusion During anatomical reconstruction of posterolateral complex, the bony tunnel of the key components should be located according to the insertion mentioned above. On the basis of this study, the maximum load and intensity of selectable grafts should exceed 833 N and 36 MPa.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:03 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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